Updated - May 26, 2023

Today we are discussing about NFT Marketplace Templates, NFT marketplaces allow digital collectors to shop for , sell and make their own tokens that represent ownership of unique, tangible and intangible items. Do you keep hearing about people buying digital cats, NBA moments and virtual artwork of Donald Trump, but haven’t any idea where they’re getting these NFTs from? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We are sharing some NFT Marketplace HTML Template with you hope will like them.

Unitok – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Unitok – NFT Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Unitok is a modern,unique and responsive HTML template. It’s come with a creative design, three home page options, different explore and digital asset pages.

It’s suitable for virtual items, digital marketplace, for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens. So, build whatever you like with this.


Netstorm – React NFT Marketplace Template

Netstorm - React NFT Marketplace Template - Technology Site Templates

Netstorm – React NFT Marketplace Template is a new system of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain. Netstorm is a dedicated React Template for NFTs shops and NFT assets stores, crypto Art markets and for Digital assets biding websites. It is very nicely designed with modern features & coded with the latest technology.


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Gigaland – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Gigaland - NFT Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Gigaland is a responsive, pixel-perfect, mordern and the most complete template for NFTS marketplace, crypto-collectibles, digital items, non-fungible tokens websites, and many more. Gigaland has a lot of styles and elements to help you make beauty and modern website in no time. Gigaland is built with modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap 5, CSS3 Animation, and more. With over 12 years of experience, we ensure you will always get top-notch products from us.


Netfomix – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Netfomix - NFT Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Netfomix – NFT Marketplace Template Today we want to share a design, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Netstorm – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Netstorm - NFT Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Netstorm – NFT Marketplace HTML Template is a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain. Netstorm is a dedicated Template for NFTs shops and NFT assets stores, crypto Art markets and for Digital assets biding websites. It is very nicely designed with modern features & coded with the latest technology.


Ethoz – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Ethoz - NFT Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Ethoz – a unique & trendy template for websites like NFT marketplaces, crypto collectibles, digital assets, non-fungible tokens & more. This template is based on HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5 & SASS. Ethoz is not just aesthetically pleasing, but it also has the best user experience.

Ethoz has got 3 homepages and 20+ inner pages. You can use these pre-built demos as a base for your website or you can customize these demos as per your needs. This template is fully responsive and looks good on all kinds of devices i.e. Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, iPad, iPhone & Android. The layout of this template is pixel perfect, clean & modern. We have done best practices of design & development. Template customization is also very easy.


Enftomark – NFT Marketplace Website template

Enftomark - NFT Marketplace Website template - Technology Site Templates

Enftomark- is a full-fledged NFT or Digital assets marketplace. It is Perfect for selling NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, Digital Arts, Digital Music & All types of Digital Assets. You can create, sell and collect NFT’s or digital assets through this website. It is very nicely designed with better UX and modern features also coded with the latest technology. The user-friendly Interface functionality of Enftomark allows people to get acquainted with NFT in detail and buy from one of their purposes. Anyone can easily collect, sell & buy digital assets or arts via cryptocurrencies (like BSC , Matic, Ethereum Based). The uniqueness of the modern look and feel of EnftoMark will take your business to the next level


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Cryptor – NFT Marketplace & Cryptocurrency ICO Landing Template

Cryptor - NFT Marketplace & Cryptocurrency ICO Landing Template - Technology Site Templates

Cryptor is a Responsive NFT Marketplace and Cryptocurrency Landing Page Template. It’s a fully responsive, super flexible, powerful, clean, and complete solution for your NFT Digital Assets Marketplace and Cryptocurrency ICO start-up agency. Every crypto business and NFT Digital Asset Marketplace have a different crowd sales process for the token sale. If you are working with any type of Digital Cryptocurrency business, NFT Marketplace, Blockchain Consulting, and Development Firm for every industry then Cryptor is the best NFT Marketplace & Cryptocurrency ICO Landing Page HTML Template to launch your website.


Makram – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap 5 Template

Makram - NFT Marketplace Bootstrap 5 Template - Technology Site Templates

Makram – NFT Marketplace Bootstrap 5 Template ,Today we want to share a design, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Digikon – NFT Digital Asset Marketplace HTML Template

Digikon - NFT Digital Asset Marketplace HTML Template - Technology Site Templates

Digikon is a NFT ( non-fungible token ) Digital Asset Marketplace Html Template built on Bootstrap5, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery. Digikon is built on the platform of binance smart chain, focusing on NFT, and ease to Create, Buy, Sell, Auction and use NFTs. This is a nice and awesome template that can be used to build any virtual items,crypto Art markets, digital assets biding, digital marketplace, for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens.



Axies | NFT Marketplace Template

Axies | NFT Marketplace Template

Axies is the NFT Marketplace for traders and creators. It brings together collectors and creators, allowing them to trade and exchange works as non-fungible tokens. For creators, the work with the marketplace is really simple; it all starts with uploading an item on a blockchain, and then it can be traded as a non-fungible asset.
This theme offers various personalization options to help you give the look you require on your website. It is very easy to navigate and fits various screen sizes. If you like my templates, please rate them 5 stars. It’s very useful for me.


NFTPro – NFT Marketplace Template

 NFTPro - NFT Marketplace Template

NFTPro is an HTML template for the modern crypto art market which is made with modern features and technologies. It will be used for buying, selling various types of digital art products by using the NFT method. It will help people to get more familiar with the NFT and transection the products with the digital currency. More important is that here all the information of authors, buyers, and sellers will store securely. So it can be used comfortably. It is built with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, and SAAS and the UI/UX design is much better for this. It is very user-friendly so you can buy, sell and collect your currency smoothly. So it can be used easily for digital art marketing and collecting cryptocurrency.


Unitar – React NFT Marketplace Template

Unitar - React NFT Marketplace Template

Unitar – React JS NFT Marketplace TemplateToday we want to share a design, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Tokicash – React NFT Marketplace Template

Tokicash - React NFT Marketplace Template

Tokicash – React NFT Marketplace TemplateToday we want to share React NFT Template, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Mokaki – Laravel NFT Marketplace Template

Mokaki - Laravel NFT Marketplace Template

Mokaki – Laravel NFT Marketplace TemplateToday we want to share a design, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Novally – Vue JS NFT Marketplace Template

Novally - Vue JS NFT Marketplace Template

Novally – Vue JS NFT Marketplace TemplateToday we want to share React NFT Template, a topic that is not known to everyone. NFT is a “non-fungible token”, a new method of payment on the Internet using electronic currency. Each of the NFTs is unique and exists in a single copy, it cannot be divided, and all information about its author, buyer and all transactions with it is securely stored in the blockchain.


Tokimart – NFT Marketplace Template

Tokimart - NFT Marketplace Template

Tokimart – NFT Marketplace is a dedicated Template for NFTs shops and NFT assets stores, crypto Art markets and for Digital assets biding wesites. It is very nicely designed with modern features & coded with the latest technology. Here are some core features of this template. Lots of features & layouts are in the demo. Explore now! we are happy to introduce (Tokimart) a creative NFT marketplace template one of the most trending topic nowadays, totally unique with modern look and feel That will take your business to next level. .


Cryptoki – HTML Template for NFT and Digital Marketplace

Cryptoki - HTML Template for NFT and Digital Marketplace



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Tezor – NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Tezor - NFT Marketplace HTML Template

Tezor is a clean new modern HTML template for NFT Marketplace and Blockchain Startup website. It is created for crypto-based digital assets selling online. The template is designed by focussing latest design trends of crypto and blockchain technology. This template is suitable for Blockchain eCommerce Startups, Crypto Solutions, and any other related digital assets buying-selling agencies.


NftMarket – NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template

 NftMarket - NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template

NftMarket is a NFT Marketplace Responsive HTML Template built on HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, jQuery. It’s an awesome HTML5 template which can be used for creating Digital NFT Marketplace. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the codes so that you can edit them easily. NftMarket is suitable for selling NFTs, Digital Arts, Digital Music or non-fungible tokens & All types of Digital Assets. You can create, sell & collect NFT’s or digital assets through this template. You can easily collect, sell & buy digital assets or arts via cryptocurrencies (like MetaMask, Matic, Ethereum Based) through this template.


Hope you are Benefited to read this article, Have a Nice Day Thanks.



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